Grilled Portobello Steaks

I love mushrooms because they have a nice meaty flavor and can be easily substituted in meat recipes. Even before I went vegan, I loved making grilled portobello mushrooms. They are light, yet still satisfying. You don’t need the outdoor grill to char them to perfection, a grill pan and some liquid smoke works perfectly in this recipe. The ingredients are simple and cooks in less than 30 minutes.

2 portobello mushrooms

1 tbsp liquid aminos

1 tbsp grape seed oil

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp onion powder

1 tsp liquid smoke

Use a moist paper towel to wipe mushrooms clean, remove the stem.

In a small mixing bowl add liquid aminos, grape seed oil, garlic powder, onion powder, and liquid smoke. Stir to combine. Use a spoon to place marinade to the underside of mushroom. Allow to marinade for about 10 minutes.

Heat a lightly greased grill pan on medium heat. Place mushroom marinated side down. Place a heavy object on top (I used a cast iron frying pan on top of the mushroom to press down). Allow mushroom to brown about 3-5 mintues, do the same to the other side. Serve immediately.


You can serve with tomatillo salsa as shown in photo or your favorite steak sauce.


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