Vegan Meat Lasagna

Vegan Meat Lasagna

This is a classic homemade lasagna recipe turned vegan. The no bake pasta sheets makes it super easy. Lots of meat, sauce and cheese filling. A delicious dinner with minimal steps in making homemade vegan lasagna, this just might be the easiest lasagna recipe. It’s one of my family’s favorite meals.

12 ounces pasta sauce

1 red bell pepper chopped

1/2 onion chopped

3 cloves garlic chopped

8 ounce container of hummus

12 ounce beef less ground

14 ounce firm tofu (pressed)

16 ounce lasagna noodles oven ready

1 teaspoon fresh basil chopped

2 tablespoon grape seed oil

2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon black pepper

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1 teaspoon dried basil

16 ounce vegan mozzarella cheese

1/2 cup nutritional yeast

1/2 lemon juiced

In a heated skillet add grape seed oil, red bell peppers, onion, and garlic, cook till translucent. Now add the beef less grounds combine and cook for 2 minutes. Now add salt, pepper, oregano, and basil, cook for 5 minutes. Add the pasta sauce and cook for 10 minutes.

In a bowl add pressed tofu and mash it with a potato masher or a fork. Add hummus, 1 tsp salt, lemon juice, nutritional yeast, and the fresh basil. Combine all the ingredients throughly. Now add 1/4 of the cheese, combine.

In a 9x12 glass dish pour 1/2 of the remaining pasta sauce, then the oven ready pasta, a layer of the meat sauce, then a layer of the vegan ricotta cheese mixture, then a layer of vegan mozzarella cheese. Drizzle a bit of the pasta sauce and add another layer, continuing the next layer the same as before. For the top layer place the oven bake pasta and the remaining pasta sauce and cheese.

Allow the lasagna to sit for 30 minutes before placing in the oven at 375 degrees F for 40-45 minutes.

Cover with aluminum foil remove the last 5 minutes of cooking. Allow the lasagna too cool before cutting.


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