Vegan Stew Peas

Ackee & Salt Fish and Stew Peas was my two favorite dish. These two dishes kept me from becoming vegan for many years. I created a vegan version of this popular Caribbean dish with Seitan to replace the beef. This recipe is spot on. It has all the goodness of red kidney beans, meaty seitan, coconut milk, hot pepper, spinner dumplins and spices. This is the recipe you’ve been waiting for to finally go vegan. This is it!!!!!

12 oz Seitan (Homemade Seitan Recipe)

1 carrot diced

1/2 yellow onion chopped

3 garlic cloves chopped

1 tbsp grapeseed oil

1 can red kidney beans

1 cup coconut milk (full fat)

1 cup vegan beef broth

1 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp allspice

1/2 ground cloves

1 scotch bonnet pepper stem removed

2 green onion stalks chopped

6 fresh thyme stems

1 tsp liquid smoke

1 tsp gravy master

For dumplins (Spinners):

1 cup all purpose flour

1/4 tsp salt

1/3 cup water

In a bowl combine flour, salt and water. Add a small amount of water at a time. Making sure the mixture does not become sticky. knead the mixture into a dough ball and set aside.

On medium heat in a dutch oven add oil. Add onions, garlic and carrots. Cook until the onions become translucent about 3-5 minutes. Add Seitan, stir and cook for about 3 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients except for the dumplins, stir and cover the pot allow to cook for 3-5 minutes. While the stew cooks make the dumplins. Break apart the dough into small pieces. Place one piece in the palm of your hands and roll with your palms. Place into the pot. Continue the same procedure till all of the dough is placed in the pot, do not stir cover the pot and cook for 3-5 minutes. Give the stew a good stir and remove the scotch bonnet pepper. Serve with steamed white rice.



Grilled Seitan Kabobs


Spicy Cilantro Dressing