Grilled Seitan Kabobs

Theses grilled seitan kabobs are out of this world. The jerk seasoning is simple and what makes these kabobs so amazing. Sometimes the best recipes are the simple ones.

10 oz Seitan (see recipe for homemade seitan)

1 tbsp jerk seasoning (I used walkerswood brand mild)

2 tbsp bbq sauce

cherry tomatoes

On metal skewers assembly seitan and cherry tomatoes. Place seitan skewers on hot grill. Grill the seitan skewers until the tomatoes are tender and seitan has charred lines on both sides. In a small bowl mix jerk seasoning and bbq sauce together. Use a bbq brush to coat the seitan skewers. Allow to heat 1 minute, remove from heat. More can be added once plated.


You can find my simple homemade seitan recipes right here on this website. Search Homemade Seitan. Seitan is easy to make and can replace meat in many recipes.


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