Vegan Scallops in Garlic Butter

This master piece can only be described as delicious. If you’ve missed eating scallops, this recipe is the one for you. The texture and taste is on point. You can add these scallops to almost anything. Add to pasta, salads, potatoes, wraps, rice and so much more.

16 oz king oyster mushrooms sliced in 1/2 inch pieces

2 tbsp stick butter

4 cloves pressed garlic

1 tbsp grapeseed oil

1 tsp furikake

green onion for garnish

sea salt to taste

In a skillet heat the oil. Add the mushrooms and brown on both sides. Remove cooked mushrooms and place them on a plate lined with paper towel to absorb excess oil. Sprinkle furikake seasoning on top and salt to taste. Set a side. In the same skillet reduce heat and add butter, allow butter to melt. Turn off the stove and add garlic, stir to combine ingredients. Remove paper towel from cooked mushrooms, spoon garlic butter on top.



BBQ Tempeh

